Flower Mound Newborn Photographer here!! Haha, see what I did there! Gotta get those keywords in here some how, lol!
Two weeks ago I got to photograph the most handsome newborn baby!! Meet Sweet Thabani! He has he most awesome name!! I had the honor of meeting him and his family when he was just 14 days young.
Thabani’s mom and dad met in London, England. They both studied Law there. How exciting is that! Then they moved back to Kenya where Thabani’s mom is from. They came to visit their sweet family here in the US and that’s how I met them! What are the chances!!? ha, I love a great travel story! Let me tell you, I fell in love with their family right away! They were absolute sweetest people! When I opened the door I knew the session would go incredible!! Im so, so excited to share just a few of my favorite images from his session. They are traveling back home soon and Im just absolutely grateful I could be a part of their incredible journey!
Flower Mound Newborn Photographer | Thabani‘s Session