Being a baby photographer is not the easiest job in the world, but it is definitely the best job!! Baby Olivia was three months old when she came in for her photo session!! YOU GUYS!!! First, I cant believe I haven’t blogged this session!!!! Because this tiny baby is now a one year old!!! WHAAAT!!! Second, lets take a minute to appreciate that she fell asleep!! ha, I got to pose her as a newborn. Those chubby cheeks are EVERYTHING!! Newborn babies are usually posed like this when they are 6-21 days young! The older the baby gets the harder it is to pose them, because they are more aware of their surroundings and not as sleepy as a newborn would be!
A day before we left for a vacation to Europe, baby Olivia was featured on Inspired By Color, I was so excited to see my work featured among such incredible talent!! Just look at this gorgeous child, how can you not feature her!!
Being a photographer in Dallas, I have met so many local talent!! It has been so great to be a part of a such supportive photographers community like we have in Dallas/ Fort Worth Area. Olivias mom, Lauren, is actually a photographer herself! You can view her work here. I love that I was able to capture her sweet baby girl at this wonderful time of her life!
Photographing children makes me so happy, especially when I see them grow so quickly!
Baby Photographer | Olivias Three Month Photo Session